Sweet Life

Friday, February 4, 2011


I have some transparencies that I thought I would try out.
They look so cute at the store but when I get home I have no idea what to do with them.
So I Googled it and found only 1 page example.

Here is the blank transparency as it came from the store.

I used white felt to make the clouds

and stitched around it with these cute fiber threads from Close to my Heart

And here is the finished product!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Arizona Sun

Last week I visited my Dad and Mona (Step-mom) in Yuma Arizona.
It was sunny and warm with a slight breeze.  Highs in the upper 70's.
Perfect Bliss...

It's our 2nd Annual January trip.  Works out perfectly for us.  The weather is cold and dreary in Utah and beautiful and warm in Arizona.

My parents aren't in the best health so we mainly stay at home and play games, sing songs and watch movies.

Watch out! They may look sweet and innocent but they are really card sharks.  I'm not sure if we ever won a game.  We learned a new game called 5 Crowns.  It's pretty fun.

Interesting Note: My Dad used to play with a band when I was little with hula girls and everything.

We learned a new song called SeVali Vali

Kevin plays the guitar and is teaching Heather the Ukulele.  They played this song pretty darn good.

My Dad's birthday is next week so we celebrated a little early.  He got some new shoes and Amber made him a quilt.  This is her first ever quilt and it's super cute!

I love this one fabric she used.  It has cute birds and trees.  Too bad it's not scrapbook paper!

Just laying by the pool and enjoying the sun.

 We heard some interesting stories about growing up in Samoa and that these are made out of coconut husks.

We had some fun/silly times at the good ol' Golden Corral.  And you thought phones were only for talking!!

Bye Dad and Mona...Love ya!!
See ya next year!